
Here are some projects I've been working on for this site. Most of it is hobby work :)

  • Old Skool Font Animation
    • a demo to animate text across the screen like an old Commodore 64
  • Countdown Page
    • a demo fading in font by changing the color and counting down from a date
  • Streets of Road Rage
    • a demo featuring sprites from Streets of Rage and very bad driving! Scrolling and animating sprites FTW!
  • Amiga Cracktro
    • a demo animating 200 square divs that mimics an Amiga cracktro by Interpol. Note: It runs awfully slow in Internet Explorer 8! Added 14/10/2012.
  • Problem?
    • a demo that was originally on the main page of this site. I'm using a Canvas element to draw an image then you can click buttons to paste the troll or me gusta face over it. Added 05/11/2012.
  • Song List
    • a social experiment. I asked people to add a song or songs that reminded me of them. First use of using the Model in MVC and adding data to an SQL database. Added 05/11/2012.
  • Teddy Long
    • Holla Holla! Become the Smackdown General Manager with this match decision tool!